When the world went into lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19, schools remained closed. And as the lockdown got extended and school gates remained padlocked for an unprecedented duration, we saw how Education Management and Leadership were tested[i].
Now that the world is slowly starting to open and operate like before, the school systems require apt professionals who have experience in handling school-related issues.
Not only that; but leaders and managers with advanced qualifications are in demand so that schools can prepare strategies for future crises.
In this article, we will discuss 3 reasons why Education Management and Leadership is a great career choice:
1. More opportunities than ever before
While most schools started online classes very quickly, many could not cope with the changing times[ii]. The professionals in leadership positions at such schools faced obstacles that proved to be too big for them to handle.
Hence schools are now looking for competent professionals and experts who can help guide the teachers and bring the system back on track, while strategically creating better policies[iii].
In the coming years, we are likely to see many Education Management and Leadership positions opening up for professionals with the right qualifications[iv].
2. Expansions
Most higher-education institutions only offered in-person classes before the pandemic. But with remote learning becoming the new norm we can expect a few more departments to emerge in the Education Management and Leadership field; mostly centred on online teaching[v].
This will create more jobs for professionals who can exhibit proficiency in management and leadership roles.
3. Pay Raise
The pandemic had a big role in highlighting the role of our teachers, administrators, and others in Education Management and Leadership positions.
Countries such as the UK[vi], the US[vii], and many more around the world are taking serious steps to increase the salary of educators, principals, and leaders in the field. The UK government has plans to pay educators a £30,000 starting salary [viii].
Even though these plans might be somewhat delayed due to the recession, increased pay and benefits are nevertheless a great incentive to start a career in this industry.
Final Words
Even though the COVID-19 crisis led to the unemployment of many professionals across various industries, it opened up new opportunities in the field of Education Management and Leadership[ix].
It was due to effective management strategies from the administrators, principals, and school district leaders that the schools started online classes, strategically shortened semesters, and offered alternate means for exams.
Now is a great time for professionals in the education industry to enrol in a Masters in Education Management and Leadership program. Because this industry is changing[x] and it is time for new talent to come forward.
Acquire a Masters degree this year so you can take advantage of a market that is booming right now. If you cannot quit your full-time job, then check out SNATIKA's prestigious UK Masters in Education Management and Leadership program. The program is designed for managers in the education sector with dual qualifications, British quality, and flexible learning. Check out the program now.
Related Blog - Funding your Masters in Education Management
[i] https://www.educationdevelopmenttrust.com/our-research-and-insights/commentary/key-lessons-on-effective-leadership-during-covid-1
[ii] https://www.coe.int/en/web/education/how-do-schools-and-universities-cope
[iii] https://www.brookings.edu/research/beyond-reopening-schools-how-education-can-emerge-stronger-than-before-covid-19/
[iv] https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/elementary-middle-and-high-school-principals.htm
[v] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/coronavirus-education-global-covid19-online-digital-learning/
[vii] https://www.uft.org/news/news-stories/news-stories/huge-education-benefits-expected-under-biden
[viii] https://www.gov.uk/government/news/teachers-set-for-biggest-pay-rise-in-fifteen-years
[ix] https://www.theeducatoronline.com/k12/news/principals-of-the-pandemic-how-school-leadership-is-changing/272885
[x] https://www.smartbrief.com/original/2020/06/why-educational-leadership-requires-growth-and-change